Uh is this thing on?

Sev de Neergaard
2 min readJul 13, 2021

Hello there people of the internet, or mom. Whichever you may be. This is my first medium post… Well, what is that? Yea, I'm not sure either, but what I do know is what I want it to be. I want this to be a spew of things I find interesting, things I’ve done or experienced, things I'm curious about, things that I just want to write about. For those of you that know me, you're probably thinking “oh that's terrifying” and you’re probably right.

Its sev under at new Belgium brewing

So who am I?

Well, if you've made it past the first paragraph, welcome, thanks for hanging for these last 105 words. My name is Sev de Neergaard. I'm 20 something-year-old American living in the south. I enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset with a cold margarita in my hand. I’m an outdoorsman, hiker, skier of water and snow, hacker, tinkerer, learner, and most important of all, an adventurer. To be clear — an adventurer can mean a lot of things. You can adventure in a new topic of study, a new place to eat, a new genre of music, a new place, a road trip, really almost any experience can be an adventure if you look at it from a different perspective.

I adventured into Cyber Security a few years ago after a friend told me that the school now offered a degree. I jumped on it. Now, it’s become not only a job, but a passion and a hobby. I’ve spent time in most areas of cyber in my learning but developed a passion for securing someone else's computer, bringing me into Cloud Security. The cloud is a wild place, full of trust and dependancy. It’s the wild west, and I wanted to be Wild Bill Hickok. We will talk about that often on this forum.

This medium is an adventure for me. An adventure into writing, an adventure into my career, an adventure into learning, an adventure into a new hobby. So welcome along, let's get this party started and we will see where it takes us.



Sev de Neergaard

Just a nerd and adventurer wandering his way through life one experience, mistake, or project later. Taking those experiences and translating them into word.